
2.5 out of 10

Release date: 2nd September 2018 (DVD premiere)

Director: Suzi Ewing

Cast: Luke Evans, Kelly Reilly, Norma Dixit, Olivia Chenery, Skye Lucia Degruttola, Jill Winternitz, Stacey Hall, Benjamin Hoetjes with Jason Maza and Noel Clarke

Writer: Noel Clarke

Trailer: 10×10


Ridiculous, overly convoluted thriller with more holes in its plot than a teabag, 10×10 puts some overexperienced actors through the wringer for the sake of a few tepid thrills. In the 1990s, a thriller like this came out every other week, where a seemingly good person was outed as a twisted psycho – they usually starred actors like Tom Berenger, Nick Nolte or Don Johnson – now here we have Luke Evans (THE FAST & THE FURIOUS 6) pitched against Kelly Reilly (TRUE DETECTIVE (TV)). The former kidnaps the latter and locks her in a 10×10 metres squared cell in his luxury house. Is he a serial killer? Or is his motive somewhat nobler? Well it’s cat and mouse, where the cat and mouse keep on switching place. Except the viewer is always a few steps ahead of our hero/heroine and it makes for a frustrating watch.

Opportunities for escape are squandered by the quarry, as the captor makes ridiculously daft judgements and takes unlikely risks, including a daylight abduction in a very busy supermarket car park which takes far too long to have been something planned and executed by an ‘intelligent’ character.  As a whole 10×10 is self-defeating because rather than thrill it confounds all expectations at being anything near competent. It’s a shame as its well made, and the actors are convinced they are making a worth while film, yet the script is full of jaw-dropping twists that take the audience for born yesterday morons.

Look out for the producer/actors Noel Clarke (I KILL GIANTS) and Jason Maza (BULLETPROOF (TV)) in a pair of very unshowy roles – it makes you wonder why they caught a plane to Atlanta for extended walk-on parts, besides a jolly. The film is very disappointing considering that the look, the finish and the performances all indicate a desire to make real ‘Hollywood-style’ films on a small-budget but these dudes have sold their puzzle-solving audiences short with a dumb actioner disguised as a think-piece twister – only this one thinks it’s far cleverer than it really is.  Floppy.

2.5 out of 10 – Well made but too far-fetched of plot to be thrilling despite decent performances from the game leads. Nothing new here to get excited about. This isn’t 10×10 it’s 2.5 over 10.



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